Relationship Breakups Before And After They Happen
How To Cope
When it comes to relationship breakups before and after, there're 2 questions that need answering. “Why?” and “What is next?”There is no doubt that dealing with relationship breakups before and after they happen, is a very distressing and stressful time. It does not matter whether you were ready for the relationship to end or not to end, when it comes to a relationship ending there is still the same distress, still the same upset.
Now, if your relationship hasn't actually ended yet, but it is on the edge of ending, then make sure you do your best to go through the coming days, weeks & months with as little drama as you can possibly manage. One of the common mistakes that a lot of people make, when faced with an imminent breakup, is to cause upset and drama. This is an irresistible reaction, because they are upset and overwhelmed at the ending of a relationship that they put so much hope into. However, control is key, most especially if you have any hopes of rekindling your relationship in the future. Causing drama and ructions at the onset of the breakup will not help you further down the line.
So in regards to relationship breakups before and after, even if you are not really ready for the relationship to end, agree to the breakup. Let your partner go and wish them well. Tell them that you are sorry for any mistakes you have made and that you wish you could have done things differently, but you accept their conclusion to end the relationship.
Something else that you should consider in answer to the “Why?” question is this: even if you have no interest in trying to rekindle the relationship, it might still be worthy exploring why the relationship ended. Answering this question is really a sure step forward for you and for any future relationship that you may enter.
Look closely at your behavior throughout the relationship. Try and locate moments and incidences where you felt you could have handled the situation better. Be as honest as possible with yourself. If you and your ex have parted on fairly good terms then why not ask your ex how they felt you handled yourself in the relationship. Not only will this give you some great insight into how your ex/others sees you, but again, it is good food for thought for the future.
For some people, when it comes to relationship breakups before and after, a wise move is to keep moving. Let's be honest, not all relationships are really worth saving. For a some reasons, some relationships are just better over and done with. If you do think your relationship falls into this category, then after the breakup give yourself as much time as you need to grieve the end of your relationship...
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