
Updated January 11, 2016.

We all know to avoid eating garlic and onions while on a dinner date for the havoc these foods can "reek" on one's breath. And anyone who's ever eaten a farm fresh salad knows that kernels of corn, seeds, and leafy greens such as spinach and kale have the mood-killing propensity for getting stuck between chompers. But biter beware: there are some less obvious foods out there that can just as easily turn a dreamy evening into a nightmare. Avoid the following at all cost:

Foods That Change The Way You Smell

Food has the power to negatively alter a person's bodily chemistry. Asparagus, in particular, has been known to affect the smell of one's pee, but there are other odiferous offenders that can cause your romantic night to truly stink. Studies have shown that cabbage, cauliflower, and red meat have all been linked to altering your body’s odor for the worse. The same goes for certain exotic spices such as curry and cumin. It’s best to limit your intake of these foods so as not to incite your romantic partner to run screaming when you wrap your arms around him or her.

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Foods That Cause Bloat

From childhood, you’ve likely heard the prophetic saying about those who eat beans -- and that crude expression still rings true now that you’re all grown up. In reality, beans aren’t the only edible culprits that may cause you to suffer from flatulence (and can therefore cause your significant other to significantly suffer, too). Research has shown that foods such as artichokes, apricots, cheese, and pasta can make a diner feel gassy and bloated. And you should rethink bubbly drinks -- especially diet sodas -- since carbonation and artificial sweeteners are both fart-friendly. Pass on these food choices in order to prevent passing gas during a passionate night.

Foods That Make You Sweat

You spent all that time getting ready for your romantic evening – why ingest something that will generate enough tears and perspiration to cause your beautiful makeup to run down your face? There’s no need to sweat about sweating if you keep it cool while dining in every respect. Try limiting hot items—both in temperature and flavor—throughout the course of the evening. Be cautious about boiling soups and piping-hot beverages, as well as spicy foods such as chili peppers and sauces that can set your mouth on fire. You certainly want your romantic night to heat up -- but sweating during the meal will water down your plans.

Foods That Make a Mess

There's nothing worse than getting food all over the perfect outfit for your romantic night. When dressing to impress, the "Sloppy Baby" style is never a good look at dinner. In order to avoid turning your tailored top into a Jackson Pollack painting, be wary of certain items that may force you to spend more time with your dry cleaner than with your date. Tomato, barbecue, and dipping sauces have a sneaky way of getting onto clothes, and foods eaten with hands have a special tendency to drip and/or smear all over faces. Don't let unruly sauces and condiments condemn your romantic rendezvous.


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