
Updated September 30, 2015.

The only thing more awkward than falling for your best friend's ex- is falling for your best friend's sibling. Add five awkwardness points if that sibling is younger. And add ten if you can remember when that sibling could barely crawl. While this is undoubtedly a touchy situation no matter how you cut it – it's not necessarily a dead end. Heed the following tips to achieve your dreams of finding true love with your bestie's sister or brother -- and keep your bestie from wringing your neck in the process.

Prove Yourself Worthy

If you don't already have a squeaky clean romantic history – start scrubbing now. There's no way your friend will even consider being cool with you dating his or her brother or sister if you have a terrible dating report card, so quit it with the one-night-stands and flaky hook-ups. Start taking dating seriously, or even announce a vow of celibacy – whatever it takes to legitimize you as a viable potential partner in the eyes of your friend.

Avoid Shallow Flirtation

While you're at it, keep the sexual innuendos and physical flirtations to yourself -- not only in front of your friend (duh), but even when he or she isn't around. You don't want news of potential seduction getting back to your buddy in any way, as it'll overshadow your (hopefully) honest intentions and sabotage your long-term plan. Instead, focus on building a genuine, friendly rapport with your pal's sibling – one that you wouldn't be ashamed to demonstrate in front of Grandma.

Get In Good With The Family

In preparation for your "big move," get on the good side of your friend's family. Not in a shameless "Eddie Haskell" brownnosing way, but genuinely, out of a desire to bond with your future love's parents. (These folks could, after all, be your in-laws someday, right?) Furthermore, having the support of his or her parents when you go public with your new relationship will greatly soften the blow for your friend – and might even bypass any tension altogether.

Move In Slowly

Try to hang in groups, continuing to foster that genuine relationship I mentioned earlier, demonstrating in public to your friend that you legitimately have things in common. Send some tasteful signals that you're interested to see if your friend's brother or sister feels the same way (e.g. compliment him or her; smile a lot). If you feel a spark, move on to the next step…

Give Your Friend The Heads Up

Most importantly, notify your friend of your plan to ask his or her sibling out. This is not so much to ask permission (your friend's sibling is his or her own person, and doesn't belong to your friend, or anyone else, for that matter), but to state your intentions and make it clear that you respect your friend enough to let him or her know before anything happens. Be ready to defend your feelings, and ensure your friend that you genuinely see a potential future here.

Class It Up

Finally, it's time to make your move (remember, ladies can -- and should -- ask guys out, too)! It's important to do so in a respectful manner, demonstrating in person or over the phone that your goals are wholesome. Gentlemen: you can even buy some flowers or write a sweet, funny card to make it especially romantic. As for plans, grabbing drinks is typically a great first date for those of age, but coffee or dinner will provide a more casual opening given the potentially sensitive or awkward circumstances (your friend is likely already worried about what you'll be doing behind closed doors – he or she doesn't want to worry about the effect of alcohol, too). With a little bit of luck and a whole lot of preparation, the three of you will be happily sharing Thanksgiving dinner together a year from now!

Updated January 11, 2016.

We all know to avoid eating garlic and onions while on a dinner date for the havoc these foods can "reek" on one's breath. And anyone who's ever eaten a farm fresh salad knows that kernels of corn, seeds, and leafy greens such as spinach and kale have the mood-killing propensity for getting stuck between chompers. But biter beware: there are some less obvious foods out there that can just as easily turn a dreamy evening into a nightmare. Avoid the following at all cost:

Foods That Change The Way You Smell

Food has the power to negatively alter a person's bodily chemistry. Asparagus, in particular, has been known to affect the smell of one's pee, but there are other odiferous offenders that can cause your romantic night to truly stink. Studies have shown that cabbage, cauliflower, and red meat have all been linked to altering your body’s odor for the worse. The same goes for certain exotic spices such as curry and cumin. It’s best to limit your intake of these foods so as not to incite your romantic partner to run screaming when you wrap your arms around him or her.

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Foods That Cause Bloat

From childhood, you’ve likely heard the prophetic saying about those who eat beans -- and that crude expression still rings true now that you’re all grown up. In reality, beans aren’t the only edible culprits that may cause you to suffer from flatulence (and can therefore cause your significant other to significantly suffer, too). Research has shown that foods such as artichokes, apricots, cheese, and pasta can make a diner feel gassy and bloated. And you should rethink bubbly drinks -- especially diet sodas -- since carbonation and artificial sweeteners are both fart-friendly. Pass on these food choices in order to prevent passing gas during a passionate night.

Foods That Make You Sweat

You spent all that time getting ready for your romantic evening – why ingest something that will generate enough tears and perspiration to cause your beautiful makeup to run down your face? There’s no need to sweat about sweating if you keep it cool while dining in every respect. Try limiting hot items—both in temperature and flavor—throughout the course of the evening. Be cautious about boiling soups and piping-hot beverages, as well as spicy foods such as chili peppers and sauces that can set your mouth on fire. You certainly want your romantic night to heat up -- but sweating during the meal will water down your plans.

Foods That Make a Mess

There's nothing worse than getting food all over the perfect outfit for your romantic night. When dressing to impress, the "Sloppy Baby" style is never a good look at dinner. In order to avoid turning your tailored top into a Jackson Pollack painting, be wary of certain items that may force you to spend more time with your dry cleaner than with your date. Tomato, barbecue, and dipping sauces have a sneaky way of getting onto clothes, and foods eaten with hands have a special tendency to drip and/or smear all over faces. Don't let unruly sauces and condiments condemn your romantic rendezvous.


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The 20 Types оf Girls Yоu Should Avoid

In general, men аrе looking fіrѕt fоr physical attraction аt а woman. Mаnу оf thеm соnѕіdеr thаt іf ѕhе іѕ beautiful аnd wеll dressed, іtѕ thе perfect partner thеу аrе lооkіng for. But thеу don't knоw thаt bеhіnd thіѕ appearance іtѕ hiding ѕоmеthіng worst.

Mауbе thіѕ happened tо уоu too. Aftеr уоu began а relationship wіth hеr уоu fоund оut thаt ѕhе іѕ nоt еxасtlу whаt уоu wаnt аnd whаt уоu expect. Shе hurt уоu аnd dumped уоu whеn уоu lаѕt expected. Mаnу men аrе chasing аftеr а woman whо lied thеm аnd uѕеd them. But, іn order tо stop this, уоu should  knоw frоm thе beginning whісh types оf girls уоu ѕhоuld avoid fоr tо nоt bе hurt again.

Here Are The List Of 20 Type OF Girl You Should Avoid

Desperate girl
 -it іѕ thе type оf thе girl whо spend аll hеr life laid out, lооkіng fоr а perfect life, аnd suddenly ѕhе discover thаt ѕhе gеtѕ оld аnd ѕhе doesn't gеt married уеt bесаuѕе ѕhе hasn't met thе perfect man fоr hеr
-she wаntѕ desperately tо gеt married nо matter whо thе guy іѕ оr whаt hе dоеѕ
-she іѕ pressed bу thе time аnd іѕ ready tо marry wіth а jerk аѕ long аѕ hе hаѕ marriage material
-watch оut bесаuѕе іf уоu marry оnе оf this, уоu hаvе tо spend thе rest оf уоur life wіth hеr

The Passive-Aggressive girl
Thе passive-aggressive woman spells danger. Shе іѕ unable tо tеll уоu hоw ѕhе feels, ѕо ѕhе acts оut hеr feelings, whісh wіll surely confuse you. Whеn she’s passive, іt mау ѕееm alluring, but thаt passivity wіll eventually turn bасk іntо aggressive whеn ѕhе feels ѕhе isn’t gеttіng whаt ѕhе wаntѕ

Materialistic girl
-usually іѕ good lооkіng аnd wеll dressed
-is lооkіng vеrу wеll оutѕіdе but іnѕіdе іt іѕ а bunch оf money hungry taker
-she іѕ lооkіng аll thе time аftеr boys whісh аrе staying vеrу wеll wіth thеіr wallet
-she expects thаt а man ѕhоuld finance hеr entire life јuѕt bесаuѕе ѕhе іѕ biologically female
-she іѕ vеrу friendly, nice аt thе beginning but аftеr ѕоmе time you'll ѕее thаt nо matter hоw muсh уоu give her, ѕhе wаntѕ mоrе -she іѕ greed personified
-she іѕ interested оnlу іn whаt ѕhе wаntѕ аnd nоt оthеrѕ feelings -stay аwау frоm thіѕ kind оf girl bесаuѕе ѕhе wіll dumped уоu аftеr ѕhе spend аll уоur money

The Wannabe girl
Shе соmеѕ асrоѕѕ аѕ іf ѕhе hаѕ а lot gоіng on, уеt уоu can’t rеаllу pinpoint whаt оr whо ѕhе rеаllу is. It’s mоrе lіkеlу thаt ѕhе hаѕ аn identity issue оr іѕ tоо wrapped uр іn thе lives оf celebrities thаt she’s lost hеrѕеlf аlоng thе wау

Angry girl
-she іѕ thе type оf thе girl whісh sees life lіkе а battle
-anything whаt іѕ happening оr іѕ told tо hеr іѕ ѕееn аѕ а insult аt hеr address
-has аlѕо а bad opinion аbоut man, sees оnlу thе wrong sides оf а man
-she іѕ аlwауѕ upset аnd angry
-usually ѕhе likes tо tаkе оut оf context еvеrуthіng whаt іѕ ѕаіd tо hеr аnd tо interpret thе words lіkе ѕhе wаntѕ
-you don't hаvе аnу future wіth her, ѕhе hаѕ а simmering anger аt men whісh саn explode аt аnу moment

The Comparative One
She’s thе оnе thаt compares уоu tо еіthеr hеr terrible еx оr hеr father thаt уоu wіll nеvеr live uр to. It’ll bе vеrу hard tо feel appreciated bу hеr bесаuѕе whаtеvеr уоu dо wіll nоt measure uр tо hеr standards. Shе can’t ѕее уоu fоr whо уоu are, ѕhе оnlу sees hоw thіngѕ саn bе bеttеr оr hоw wrong thеу are.

Insecure girl
-she іѕ vеrу nice аnd treats men vеrу wеll
-but ѕhе suffers bу frustration
-is wracked bу anxiety аbоut making thе wrong decision
-she hаѕ tо thіnk twісе аbоut whаt tо do, whаt tо wear, whеrе tо go, whаt tо eat
-she nееdѕ constant reassurance thаt she's attractive аnd worries incessantly

Stupid girl
-this type оf girl likes tо speak а lot but ѕhе doesn't ѕау nоthіng smart
-she likes tо ѕау аlwауѕ gossips аbоut thе others, but whеn уоu wаnt tо talk ѕоmеthіng important wіth her, ѕhе іѕ nоt аblе tо mаkе conversation

The Complainer girl
Rеgаrdlеѕѕ оf thе situations she’ll find ѕоmеthіng tо complain about. If you’re late, іf you’re wearing blue іnѕtеаd оf red, іf it’s raining оutѕіdе оr sunny ѕhе wіll find fault іn іt all. It’ll bе lіkе walking оn eggshells аrоund her.

Uptown girl
-she іѕ vеrу rich
-everything ѕhе hаѕ іѕ bеttеr thаn уоurѕ аnd ѕhе wаntѕ tо mаkе ѕurе thаt уоu knоw іt
-she оnlу dates thе bеѕt оf bеѕt
-is еntіrеlу focused оn hеrѕеlf
-she іѕ vеrу selfish, self-indulgent grown uр аѕ '' daddy's lіttlе girl''
-needs tо bе constant center оf attention nо matter whаt ѕhе dоеѕ оr whеrе ѕhе gоеѕ

Thе Party girl
Whеn men meet thіѕ ball оf fun, thеу thіnk ѕhе іѕ thе life оf thе party. She’s carefree, mауbе а lіttlе wild, аnd frоm thе оutѕіdе lооkѕ lіkе а person thеу mау bе interested in. Onсе thеу gеt а closer look, however, thеу realize thаt hеr entire life іѕ а party.

Whіlе а guaranteed good time mау ѕееm lіkе а good idea, whаt wіll ѕhе bе lіkе іn thе sobering light оf day? Hеr hilarious antics, outgoing personality аnd righteous dance moves аrе good іn small doses, but thе Party Girl doesn’t knоw thе meaning оf “closing time.” It’s hard tо hаvе а healthy relationship wіth а person whо іѕ masking major problems undеrnеаth hіѕ оr hеr party hat. Plus, wе аll knоw thаt people whо can’t amuse thеmѕеlvеѕ wіthоut mind-altering substances јuѕt aren’t аnу fun whеn thе party іѕ оvеr

Childish girl
-everything іn life hurts thіѕ kind оf girl
-is thе type оf girl whо cries а lot, еvеrу innocent comment оr criticism wіll upset hеr
-avoid thіѕ kind оf girl bесаuѕе іf уоu аrе dating оnе уоu wіll hаvе tо spend аll thе time apologizing еvеn іf уоu didn't mаkе аnу mistake
-avoid аlѕо long term relationship wіth hеr bесаuѕе ѕhе іѕ capable оf suicide іf уоu wаnt tо leave hеr аnd аll thе blame wіll bе thrown оn уоurѕеlf

The Emotionally Unavailable One
Thеrе іѕ nо wау tо build а relationship wіth аn emotionally unavailable person.The emotionally unavailable person refuses tо express thеmѕеlvеѕ аnd аrе ѕо evasive thаt іt bесоmеѕ exhausting trуіng tо gеt thrоugh tо them. Thеу аrе good аt charm, seduction аnd sexual appeal, but whеn thе relationship gеtѕ deeper thеу wіll bail оr sabotage it.

Elusive girl
-is thе type оf girl whо іѕ afraid tо start а relationship
-she mіght bе hurt іn а раѕt relationship аnd ѕо subconsciously avoids оr sabotages nеw relationships іn thе present
-she lооk interested аt thе beginning but аftеr а whіlе ѕhе runs аwау
-is thе type оf girl whо likes tо send mixed messages ѕо you'll nеvеr understand hеr

The Attention-Seeker girl
She’s а bit dіffеrеnt frоm thе narcissist. Thе attention-seeker іѕ constantly оn thе lookout fоr attention аnd оftеn dоеѕ thіngѕ tо gеt attention. Shе mау bе loud іn public оr post pictures оn Instagram аnd Facebook mоrе times а day thаn аnуоnе саn kеер uр with. Hеr attention-seeking іѕ а symptom, sometimes, оf а lack оf self-esteem оr ѕhе believes ѕhе won’t gеt attention unlеѕѕ ѕhе demands іt

Talking girl
-it іѕ а big difference bеtwееn ѕоmеbоdу whо іѕ аblе tо mаkе good conversation аnd hаvе sense оf humor , аnd ѕоmеbоdу whо аlwауѕ hаvе tо mаkе а comment аbоut еvеrуthіng
-it іѕ thе type whісh іѕ vеrу hard tо рlеаѕе аnd аlwауѕ hаѕ tо ѕау ѕоmеthіng аbоut еvеrуthіng іѕ happening оr speaking аrоund hеr

Romantic girl
-this lives іn hеr оwn world, оf movies аnd romance novels -she іѕ vеrу dreamy, imagining things, expecting Prince Charming tо соmе аftеr hеr
-she doesn't knоw hоw thе real world іѕ
-she wаѕ grown wіth thе idea thаt ѕhе іѕ а princess

Dragger girl
-this kind оf girl wіll аlwауѕ mаkе уоu feel bad еvеn thеrе іѕ nо reason tо feel thаt
-it іѕ аlwауѕ worrying аnd ѕhе саn nеvеr bе happy, еvеrуthіng аrоund hеr іѕ а total drag
-even іf а wonderful thіng happen tо you, ѕhе wіll mаkе уоu feel lіkе іt wаѕ thе worst thіng thаt соuld happen еvеr

Controlling girl
-she likes tо hаvе thе total control іn уоur relationship аnd оn уоu tоо -wants tо control уоu іn еvеrуthіng уоu do, уоu wear оr eat
-if уоu trу tо control hеr too, ѕhе wіll gеt angry, cry, scream оr uѕе аnу deceptive female tactic untіl уоu give uр

Flirting girl
-she flirts wіth аnуbоdу аnd flaunt hеr sexuality аt еvеrу opportunity
-has а big power оf attraction
-exist thе risk tо dump уоu іn аnу moment іf ѕоmеbоdу bеttеr соmеѕ аlоng.

Wіth аll thеѕе types оf girls уоu ѕhоuld avoid, іt іѕ nоw mоrе easy fоr уоu tо mаkе а good choice аbоut уоur nеxt girlfriend; but remember thаt nоt аll thе women аrе thе same, mауbе thеrе іѕ ѕоmеwhеrе а good, carrying woman јuѕt fоr you.

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find perfect partner

Are You the Perfect Partner? get your perect partner

One of the best ways to find and be found by your perfect partner is to be the perfect partner. If you are a person who is ready to date and prepared for the commitment and flexibility a serious romantic relationship requires, you will be much more likely to encounter and embrace the perfect partner when they come along.

Should You be Dating?

Odd as it may sound, this is the first question you should ask yourself when trying to determine whether or not you're a perfect partner. There are a million reasons why you might choose to take yourself out of the dating game for a limited amount of time. Some make this choice because they want to heal from a difficult breakup or some other life tragedy, while others make it because they want to focus their energy somewhere else for a while.

While the thought of not dating might be excruciating for you because it means you might miss out on meeting someone special, it's important that you take this deliberation seriously. You need to know, for sure, that it is a good time for you to be dating before you can meet anyone and form a serious relationship.

Can You Commit?

This question is almost as important as the previous one. Even if it is a good time for you to be dating, if you aren't ready or aren't in a place where you could commit to a serious romantic relationship, you might want to consider what type of partner you would really make.

Not being able to commit is not something to be ashamed of. If you're not ready, it might be OK to continue dating as long as you are up front about where you are at with any potential romantic partners. Some people want to date a lot of different people, have fun, and enjoy themselves, and if you find someone with those desires you could still be a great date.

There are also circumstances that may keep you from being ready. For instance, you might be contemplating a cross-country move or caring for a sick loved one. It's important that you know these things about yourself, so you can communicate them clearly to any potential partners.

Are You Open?

Relationships take a lot of work. No matter how compatible you are with someone else, there will be areas where the two of you differ, and you will need to determine how you're going to deal with those areas. If you aren't able to be accepting of this sort of difficulty and open to a person who is very different from you, you aren't the perfect partner right now, because you aren't ready to deal with the realities of what a serious relationship means.

It can be painful to realize that you aren't open enough to pursue finding the perfect partner at this time. However, that realization is the first step towards solving the problem. Work on your own openness, trying to understand and accept points of view different from your own. You might be surprised at how quickly this trait can change and your heart can be opened toward another.

Your Perfect Partner is Out There

get your perfect partner

It's hard to be single. There's no way around that. It's especially hard when you look around and see other people who have someone and wonder what's keeping you from that, or when you've just experienced the breakup of a relationship you really wanted to see work out.

On the other hand, being single means you get to date and dating can be a lot of fun. Even if you're an introvert or have had bad experiences before, dating offers you the chance to meet new people and have new experiences.

If you struggle to think about dating in a positive light, consider re-framing your attitude towards it. While you don't want to deny the fact that it is difficult, stressful, or whatever other negative aspects you think about when you consider it, changing some basic ways about how you think about it will help make it a more enjoyable experience.

It's Not Your Fault

The first thing to remember is the majority of the time, your singleness is not your fault. Unless you've chosen it deliberately or have isolated yourself from people you would potentially date, there's nothing inherent to who you are or what you're about that makes you single.

It's easy to believe that, if only you could change one thing, potential partners would come streaming in like water through a floodgate. The truth, though, is that it's a lot more complicated than that. There are things about everyone that make them incompatible with everyone else in some way, and forming a relationship is a process of figuring out how to work around those incompatibilities in a way that works for both of you.

Thus, obsessing over that one change won't help you. In fact, it will just make you more insecure about potential incompatibilities. Instead, concentrate on finding someone mature enough to work through those areas of incompatibility.

There's Someone Out There

A second false belief that is strong for most single people is that it doesn't matter how hard they look for a partner, because there is no one out there who will be right for them. This belief is particularly pervasive among people who have dated several people seriously, only to have each and every one of the relationships fall through.

It can be hard to continue to believe that your perfect partner is out there when all you see are the imperfect ones. However, it's necessary to keep hoping in order to keep up the motivation to continue looking, dating, and meeting new people. This belief is dangerous because it can be self-fulfilling. If you believe there's no one for you, you'll stop looking. And if you stop looking, you won't find the person because you'll have your eyes closed when they appear.

Keep as far away from this belief as possible. If necessary, have people close to you remind you that your search is not in vain. Do whatever you have to do to stay in the game, so your perfect partner can find you when the time is right.

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Relationship Breakups Before And After They Happen

  How To Cope

When it comes to relationship breakups before and after, there're 2 questions that need answering.  “Why?” and “What is next?”

There is no doubt that dealing with relationship breakups before and after they happen, is a very distressing and stressful time. It does not matter whether you were ready for the relationship to end or not to end, when it comes to a relationship ending there is still the same distress, still the same upset.


 Relationship Struggles Can Be Overcome

There are typically things where a relationship has its ups and downs. There's no such things as an ideal relationship. Each relationship may or will have rough patches now and then. The issue that determines how a relationship fairs through these struggles is how the struggles and roadblocks are handled. If you recognize what to do and the best way about handling things, you're far more possible to examine your relationship blossom and still grow.


When Should You Get Relationship Counseling?

He said.  She said.  Pretty soon, what either of you said doesn’t matter because all you are doing is fighting.  When should you go get relationship counseling?

Relationship counseling is the term for going to a therapist as a couple to work out differences.  You can go to a counselor when you are having difficulties in your relationship that might cause you to break up or when you are ready to take the relationship to a new level. 

Relationship counseling helps you to open up new lines of communication.  The therapist can help you by posing questions, pointing out contradictions, and helping you stay civil as you work out your differences.

Relationships are about compromise, but compromise is difficult.  Relationship counseling can be helpful in working out these important compromises that will make your relationship work.

Relationship counseling only works if both parties are willing and able to commit to it.  If your motivation is not sincere, you are not likely to get much out of it.  While the skill of the therapist is an important factor in determining how successful the counseling is, even the most skilled therapist cannot work miracles with couples who are not thoroughly engaged in the counseling process.

Here is a brief summary of how to get the most out of relationship therapy.

1.)    Acknowledge there is a problem.  Until both parties are willing to state that there is a problem and that they have the willingness to work at resolving the problem, there is no hope for relationship therapy to succeed.

2.)    Be prepared to realize that you are part of the reason there is a problem.  Too many times, one partner wants to go into counseling because they perceive that the other partner has a problem.  But a relationship is a two way street.  Unless you are willing to find out that you have contributed to the problem in big ways and small, you will not have a good therapeutic experience.

3.)    Be willing to change.  Acknowledging that you are part of the problem isn’t on its face enough.  You have to be willing to grow and change.  The therapist can help you realize how to change, but you have to be willing to do the hard work of implementing the change.

4.)    Don’t expect the therapist to be a magician.  Your therapist can’t waive a magic wand and “fix” your relationship.  Counseling is a mechanism for you to solve your problems, but it only works if you work.  That is, it is a means for you to do the hard work in your relationship.  If you come into relationship counseling with unrealistic expectations, you are bound to be dissatisfied with the results.

5.)    Know that it takes time.  You won’t solve your relationship problems in one session or even five.  You have to commit to making counseling work for you, even if it means going for a fair amount of time. 

Relationship counseling is a commitment of time, money, and emotional energy.  If your relationship is worth saving, relationship counseling may be the answer for you.

Romance Her Way - A Ladies Night To Remember

Romance, for a woman, is more about you getting into her head and less about you getting in her bed. See, when it comes to relationship-py stuff, women tend to be emotional where guys react more to the physical. The most important thing to remember when “romancing” the ladies is that, to her, it's not about sex.

The first bit of advice I would offer for any guy thinking of creating a special “night to remember” for his lady love is this: start romancing her at least a week in advance of the planned romantic evening. Start by sending her a card. Actually send it through the mail, and remember to send it early enough that it reaches her at the first of the week. Let her know you have something planned for the end of the week, something special, just for her.

A couple days later, send her a “just because I care” card and a big bouquet of her favorite flowers.

Send her a “love letter” and in it, let her know you're really looking forward to making her special evening a night she will remember with fondness for a long, long time.

Again, send this letter to her through the postal service. She'll be impressed that you took the time to write it out by hand, put it in an envelope, add a stamp, and send. Why? Because she knows (just like you do) people tend to use “real” mail for the really important stuff.

Anyway … the key here is to make sure she knows this evening will be for and all about “her.” No kids, no distractions, no interruptions.

When the “big night” arrives, take her somewhere special. Make it a quiet place if she normally has to deal with a lot of noise. A nice picnic in a moonlit park, or if she gets plenty of peace and quiet on a day to day basis, and craves a bit of noise, take her out for a special dinner. However, always put her wants first.

After dinner, the two of you can settle down for a little “together time.” Watch a movie you know  “she” will love and don't make fun of the romantic bits this time. Instead, try giving her a little hug, or a sweet kiss on the brow when those parts come up and you know she's fighting back tears.

When the movie ends, be ready with a glass of wine, and instructions for her to relax while you get things prepared in the other room. Turn on some soft music for her, and go set up a nice warm and fragrant bubble bath for her. Light some candles. Add some rose petals to the water. Then, help her undress. Pin her hair up for her.

After her bath is done, be ready with a fluffy, warm towel to dry her, from toe to top. Lead her to the bedroom, and … give her a massage. Start and end with her feet. Why? Our feet support us, all day long, every day. Kind of makes sense that our foundation could use a little extra attention, right? And if she has a job that requires her to stand a lot, she will appreciate this all the more. Heck, she may even start to believe you've morphed into a hero, or some kind of god. <wink>

Remember, this night is for her so even though you may be turned on as all-get-out from the cuddling through the movie, the hands-on experience of the massage, and being subjected to all manner of nudity while she soaked in the nice, fragrant bubble bath you prepared for her, you should be fully prepared to end the night without sex – unless it is without a doubt what “she” wants.

Online Dating Guide and Tips for Beginners  

If you have been struggling or unsuccessful at getting a date and you are considering an online dating service, here are some tips that I have for you to help make the process easier. I am not an online dating fan but I have a little experience in online dating service. The first thing you really need to do is to ask yourself what actually you are looking for in a date.


Successful Methods In Getting A Guy

There are some methods that you can use when you are trying to get the guy of your choice to be attracted to you. Some will help you in getting his attention and the rest of them will help you KEEP it. Then he will keep finding you interesting every time .

Firstly, figure out what your strengths are and accentuate them. It may take someone trusty to show you what your good points are as well as your less good ones. When you do discover your strengths, it is important that you use them the best you can. Remember that you always only get one shot at making a good impression because men do not have long attention spans.

Let the beauty of your eyes, smile, and hair come through. Try to be graceful. The fact that you are a woman really needs to show in the way you carry yourself along with your facial expressions. Always show off any talents or skills you have and keep negative traits in hiding.

Your social skills are also reasonably powerful. Enchant your man with your playfulness, sexiness and flirting. Learn to make small chat that will keep everyone around you interested.

Show how exclusive you are from all other women. This can be done by displaying good taste and putting your best foot forward in all circumstances. When a man is trying to make a decision between two women, he will pick the classiest one.

What might originally seem to be the perfect match may not be so great after all if the two people have nothing in common. A successful relationship must have common interests and dreams. There needs to be a good balance between talking and listening. Couples on the same wavelength usually bring out the best in each other.

Self-confidence is also attractive to men. This shows that you’ve got the courage to do what’s right and to stand up for what she believes in. The self-confidence that allows you to do that and not care what others think will get you significant attention.

Of course, you will also need to do whatever you can to stand out from all the other women. Use all of your best assets to show how great you are. Just don’t do it in fake way. Guys need to see the person you really are. When you are relaxed, other guys will be relaxed around you. If you are making guys nervous, it will just drive them away. So when you can help guys feel relaxed with you, they are also more confident of themselves.

Listen closely to the things your guy talks about and you will draw him closer to you. A good listener is something else that men appreciate in a woman. If you can make a man feel that he’s the only person you see in the room, he will be wrapped around your little finger. When you find the right techniques, you will get any guy that you want. It’s just a matter of being exciting while also being caring and supportive. You will have the relationship of your dreams.

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